Surety > Consultative Services
International surety placement and consultation
Lockton’s national surety practice is fully equipped to facilitate surety transactions around the world. Compliance regulations, tax obligations, fees and markets differ by country. Lockton’s on-the-ground staff and international partners keep our clients informed on local market conditions and facilitate final placement.

Surety claims consulting
Lockton maintains relationships with the claims attorneys of our major surety partners. We have established escalation agreements in place to guarantee access to the correct decision-makers.

DBE risk consultation
We can walk you through the additional risks that accompany the opportunities created when you approach a project with an SBE or DBE business partner.

Joint venture & alternative delivery support
We have extensive experience as the lead broker in JV arrangements. We remain at the forefront of emerging alternative project delivery methods, including public-private partnerships (P3), and actively educate our clients about the related surety implications.

Acquisition due diligence
Lockton’s contractor evaluation expertise and analytical tools can be transitioned to help you identify and assess acquisition targets.

Subcontractor risk mitigation
We provide numerous services and tools to help our clients evaluate the risk of their subcontractors.

Learn more about what Lockton Surety can do for you. Contact us today! (opens a new window)