Lockton European Brokers Limited Complaints Procedure
Lockton European Brokers Limited - Complaints
We take complaints made against us very seriously and maintain a procedure to ensure that complaints are dealt with promptly and fairly.
If you wish to register a complaint, please notify the CEO of LEBL, either in writing to our address or by telephone +356 2779 5701.
If we cannot resolve your complaint straight away, we will acknowledge its receipt promptly and arrange to investigate the matter and provide you with a response.
If you are not happy with our response to your complaint and you are eligible you may refer the matter to the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services, First Floor, St Calcedonius Square, Floriana FRN1530 telephone: +356 8007 2366 or e-mail: complaint.info@financialarbiter.org.mt (opens a new window)